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  • Remote Access Services

    The Remote Access Gateway has been specially designed by the library for the academic community of Vivek College of Commerce to provide off-campus and anytime-anywhere access to the library's digital resources for seamless teaching, learning and research. By leveraging secure cloud hosting services, the academic community is privileged to have seamless access to library digital resources from any device.

    About Library

    Vivek Education Society, a Charitable Institution set up in the year 1961, had established Vivek Vidyalaya in 1962 and followed it up by starting Junior College in the streams of Arts, Science & Commerce in 1976. Vivek College of Commerce was started in the year 1986. It is recognized as a vibrant institution working relentlessly for the cause of education.

    The library plays an important role in supporting the academic activities in the college. The library is the soul of any institute. It identifies, evaluates, procures, processes, and then makes these learning resources available to the faculty and students for their teaching and research. The library has always been striving hard to meet the expectations of its users. However, there has been a long-felt need to bring clarity and uniformity in the procedure and practices of the library to improve its efficiency, utility, and services.